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Mirror of Erised

"The secret to becoming a writer is to write, write and keep on writing," - Ken MacLeod

January 13, 2023

The first post of the new year, and I have been sitting on this for awhile now.

Sometimes inspiration comes from other author's stories and worlds. One of those for me is the World of Harry Potter. Harry Potter has been an inspiration in my writing since I first read the books back in High School. I've done a lot of Harry Potter Fanfiction and online Role Playing with others writing through our own characters experiences in the Wizarding World. This next snippet is something I wrote about my characters looking into the Mirror of Erised - for those who do not know it is a mirror which shows you what you desire most. Here's the snippet. It was fun and sweet.


"What do ye can see when ye look in the mirror, Tia?" Deaglan asked as he stood behind her waiting his turn.

Tia was quiet for a long minute before she replied. "Nothing."

Her answer confused Deaglan. The Mirror of Erised showed a person's greatest desire. He was sure he knew what he'd see in the mirror when she was finished. He couldn't understand why Tia saw nothing. Unless she was lying. Maybe it was too embarrassing.

"Ye don't see yer parents?" he asked because he thought she might want to know them deep down even though she said otherwise.

"I don't see anything," Tia rephrased. "Just our reflections."

Maybe the mirror was broken.

"Let me try, " Deaglan nudged her aside. If he saw what he thought he desired most then the mirror couldn't be broken. He waited.

"What do you see?" Tia asked him

Feeling a bit brave, Deaglan reached for Tia's hand and answered. "Nothing Just you and me." That was what they desired most each other.