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More About Inspiration

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." - Jack London


May 9, 2021

More on inspiration. Some days you just wake up and the inspiration is there. the entire plot of your novel plays like a movie in your head. All you have to do is sit down and write.

What happens when I sit down and write? I can complete 2-3 chapters in a week. This is all while maintaining my full-time job, my career as a mother, housekeeper, chef and wife and getting enough sleep to not be exhausted... who am I kidding, ha! I am exhausted but at least I'm writing.

Where id this inspiration come from? I don't know! I wish I could share with my fellow readers and writers the answer to that question but I don't have it.

I knew I had to write so I sat down and I wrote. It was painful and slow but I kept on writing. Maybe what I wrote was crap but I ploughed through the crap and suddenly the words were flowing like the tape through the VCR. I had unlocked the floodgates preventing me from moving forward. Now it's full steam ahead, except there are plenty of stops along the way with disgruntled passengers.

I guess my advice on writing is this: Just write. As hard as it is, as bad as the words come out, just write. Eventually, good words will come back and you'll be sailing through your manuscript.